――How do you feel about the current level of penetration and response while working on the new soccer?
Player Morishige
There are various situations in the game, so we need to play the game to come up with solutions within the team. Therefore, we need to play the game and deepen our understanding during the league matches.
Diego player
I think it is natural that it takes time for it to penetrate because it is completely different from the soccer we have been playing so far. As Morishige player mentioned, there are some aspects that can only be improved by playing games, but considering the quality of the players, I think we can meet the coach's demands. There may be some difficulties and challenges in the process until completion, but I believe that we can definitely play good soccer by overcoming them. Therefore, I think we have no choice but to continue believing in what we should do and what the coach is demanding.
- How do you express the changes from the previous season in soccer?
Player Morishige
Previously, it was a soccer style of quickly moving towards the goal, constantly pushing forward. However, now I think the keyword is to hold onto the ball and firmly control the game.
Player Diego
Last season, there were several games where the opponent had a higher ball possession rate even in home matches. This season, we have the attitude of firmly holding the ball ourselves and controlling the game, which I think will also lead to a decrease in goals conceded. I think our attitude of moving and controlling the ball from ourselves is different from last season.
- - In the current situation where they are trying soccer, do the players have the luxury to enjoy it?
Player Morishige
Challenging new things leads to our own growth and also means that the team is growing, so there are enjoyable parts and difficult parts. However, even the difficult parts are places where we can grow by worrying and suffering, so I think we can enjoy that too.
Diego player
With the change of coach, the soccer we aim for has changed dramatically, so it takes time and of course there are difficulties, so I feel strongly that we have to do our best now. However, as I mentioned earlier, considering the quality of the players, I think that by the end of the league season, we will be able to realize the soccer we want to play. Although the process may be difficult, I want to enjoy it and it is also something that we have to do. While enjoying the process, I hope that all the players will have grown by the end of the league.
- Coach Albert himself has mentioned that it will take time. On the other hand, do you feel any sense of anticipation for what lies ahead?
Player Morishige
It is important to continue believing in that. Among such good players, there is definitely the power to achieve it, and after that, I believe it is important to continue, to demand from each other, and to elevate each other.
Player Diego
As time goes by, I think we will naturally be able to play the soccer we want to play, and I think there are things we need to demand from each other, but if it continues to spread to everyone, I think we can play interesting soccer, the soccer we want to play, and the soccer that fans and supporters can enjoy watching.
- In terms of demanding each other, is communication within the team becoming more active?
Player Morishige
Because I am challenging new things, a momentary deviation in thinking can cause a disruption in smoothness, so we confirm with each other "what did you want to do now?" or "where did you want it?" We also make demands in the details and align our intentions with each other. I think that this is something we should continue to do, not just from this year.
Player Diego
I also believe that communication is important during the period when I am challenging myself in a new soccer. It includes things that I don't understand or parts that don't match, as well as things that both parties demand and asking experienced players and coaches for advice. In that sense, I think communication is important.
- This season, I was appointed as captain and vice-captain. What kind of role do you think is expected of you in the current team?
Player Morishige
Since I am doing something new, first of all, I need to understand what the coach is trying to do, convey it to the team, and when teammates have questions, I may have to receive them and ask the coach. I think I have been given the role of captain for the team to work well, so I have a sense of responsibility for that.
Player Diego
Player Morishige has also been a captain in the past, and I think he can fulfill the role he said he would take on. We also want to support him firmly. Also, there may be difficulties in communication between Japanese players and foreign players due to language, but I want to actively participate in communication during that time. However, in my case, I think it is important to have a mindset that everyone can do as a captain, regardless of being a captain or vice captain.
Mori Shige player
I trust Diego player, who has been with FC Tokyo for a long time among foreign players and is also a boss-like presence among foreign players (laughs), so it is a big thing for me... no, not just for me, but for the team as well, that Diego player is serving as vice captain. As the coach also mentioned, to achieve something, the team atmosphere and unity are important, so I want to work on it with the help of Diego player and the whole team.
Player Diego
In order to have a good season, everyone needs to work with the same consciousness, so we need to cooperate. I hope that if players have any concerns, they will talk to us, and we want to try to solve them ourselves. However, fundamentally, it is important for everyone to come together as one and look in the same direction towards a common goal.
- This is the fifth season that the two of you have played together. Please tell us what kind of play you are expecting from each other.
Mori Shige player
I think Diego player's main job is to score goals, and he has been doing it for the team for the past 4 seasons, so I want him to continue doing it. Also, off the pitch, he is a wonderful person, and young players are also watching his behavior, so I hope to continue to expect that as before.
Player Diego
Speaking from the perspective of on the pitch, when I faced player Morishige as an opponent before coming to Tokyo, he was a very difficult opponent. It is very reassuring to be on the same team now. Off the pitch as well, he is trusted by various players, and it is understood that everyone follows him, so I hope he continues to show the same Morishige as before. Also, it is important to be able to communicate both on and off the field, not only when joking around with us, but I think it is evidence that he is respected, so I hope he can be himself.
- Finally, please tell us your thoughts for the upcoming season.
Player Morishige
Because I have chosen this soccer to win, it doesn't mean that I don't care if you enjoy it or not. The closest way to win is what I am challenging now, so first of all, I want to show a winning attitude in this soccer and I have to show it as a professional.
Also, as a team based in Tokyo, we need to be strong and ensure that the fans and supporters who come to the stadium can enjoy and have a good time. It's not just about beautiful soccer, but also about passionate emotions and intense play, so we want to aim to be a team that people want to support.
Player Diego
I think that I only think about winning, as Mori Shige said, I also want to show the strength of the team and the individual players in the game, and I want to make it a season where I can say "I delivered many victories" by the end of the league.
Discussion Date: February 2, 2022