<Rikizo MATSUHASHI Coach>

Q: The start date has arrived. What thoughts did you put into your initial greeting?
Thanks to the big applause from the fans and supporters, I conveyed that I will do my best to keep this going until the end. In today's meeting, we discussed what our true success really is for those who support us. I strongly feel that it is the sparkle in the eyes of the people around us who support us. It is natural for us to want to succeed and for the club to improve, but I believe that true success lies deeper than that. I think they are very important people, and I felt that we must fight hard for them as well.
Q: Is there a theme for the camp starting tomorrow?
A, while it is important to consistently touch the ball a lot and build up my body in the way I have been doing, I always incorporate the tactical elements that I am seeking. Rather than a theme, I want to gradually build on those aspects and also think a little about new things, so I would like to express that little by little.
Q: Will the first half of the camp involve high-intensity training?
A, I think it will be somewhat higher. I will ensure that we can continue to do it steadily. Regarding intensity, we are working with a purpose alongside the physical coach. For example, there are always targets for simple metrics like running distance, number of sprints, acceleration, and deceleration within training and physical training. I believe it is important to proceed in line with those targets. Within that framework, I will observe the players and assess their actual fatigue levels and injuries, making judgments based on the situation as we move forward. I do not expect everything to go according to plan, so it is important to proceed while communicating with all relevant parties.
<Seiji KIMURA>

Q, it has been one season since your return from a loan transfer.
At Sagan Tosu, my new team, I was able to participate in matches throughout the season, and I gained a lot of experience by being a member of the U-23 Japan national team for the Asian Cup and the Paris Olympics. I feel that I have grown, including in terms of my mental aspect. I want to show a different side of myself in Tokyo.
Q: Is this a long-awaited reunion with Teppei OKA?
A, it's been a while. We met privately at the end of last year, but it's been since we were both on the same pitch as teammates when we were part of FC Tokyo U-18. I'm looking forward to playing together, but I also want to have a good competition as rivals in the same position. I hope we can elevate each other so that we can both grow more. I don't want to lose.
Q: Please tell us again about your goals and enthusiasm for this season.
This is my second return from a loan transfer, and I believe this is my last chance, so I will fight through this season. I want to achieve solid results in Tokyo and show my gratitude for the support I've received through my performance.
<Takahiro KO>

Q, it was the first day of training for the new coach, Rikizo MATSUHASHI.
A lot of players have returned, and with Marcelo RYAN joining, we were able to create a good atmosphere from today's practice, and it made me feel like we should really focus on our meetings. It felt like a meeting that was very much in line with what Riki-san is known for, and his words resonated with me, which I believe was also conveyed to everyone. While envisioning Albirex Niigata's style of football, we talked about not just maintaining possession while moving the ball, but also about coming to Tokyo with the goal of winning. He has always communicated what needs to be done to win since his time in Niigata, so I felt that aspect hasn't changed, and I also renewed my determination to aim for victory with this club.
Q, I believe there are expectations for you to share your experiences from your time in Niigata with those around you.
A, that's right. But I try not to think too much about that. I am who I am, and I have my own competition as well. First and foremost, I want to express myself properly. I believe that communication and speaking are very important parts to ensure the team wins and moves in a good direction. I have been doing this since last season, and I think we should increase both the quantity and quality of communication to strengthen the team's coordination and connections.
Q: How do you want to compete this season?
A, looking back on last season, there were some difficult situations at first, and I have nostalgic feelings about the various thoughts I had. After playing in Tokyo for a year, I feel that I need to do more. Last season had its good moments, but there were also frustrating times, so this season I want to take responsibility and raise the standards to win something. As Riki often says, the only way to grow is through training, and I believe that the intensity and quality of training will be required from now on. It’s just about raising the awareness level of each player. The camp should be quite tough, so I hope we can do well in the camp starting tomorrow.